Chanting Resulting in the Quality of Life Development of Buddhists in Samut Sakhon Province

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Paweena Kladsumnaing
Sainumpung Rattanangam


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the meaning, importance and value of chanting in Buddhism, 2) to study the virtue of chanting that affects quality of life development, and 3) to present effective chanting to improve the quality of life of Buddhists in Samut Sakhon Province. The researcher conducted according to the integrated research methodology. It consists of quantitative research using a survey research method. The sample group used in this research is the population used in the research, namely "Wat Pom Wichien Chotikaram Temple Evening Prayer Club" and 121 people in Samut Sakhon province by opening the sample size table of Taro Yamane. Data collected from the sample, all questionnaires were analyzed and processed by the researcher using a statistical package for social science research using the following statistics: Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation (F-test), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with key informants and using content analysis techniques.

1) Chanting resulting in the quality of life development of Buddhists in Samut Sakorn Province is overall at a high level.

2) The factors related to chanting that result in the quality of life development of Buddhists in Samut Sakorn province found no difference in opinions when classified by genders, ages, educational levels, work experience, and marital status. Based on multiple linear regressions, reveal that the definition, significance, and values of chanting may predict the factors for chanting with a statistical significance of 0.05 level; accepting the null hypothesis.

          3) The suggestions from analyzing chanting results the following: (1) Prayers can realize the definition, significance, as well as believing that chanting will bring auspiciousness to oneself. (2) Prayers believe that chanting shows reverence for the Buddha. (3) chanting helps to train the mind, to be healthy, and have a life quality.

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