A Study of Meditation Guidelines to Reduce Stress in Daily Life of Weekend Meditation Practitioners at Wat Klang Bang Phra, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Thongthib Jiraphattrakul


A Study of Meditation Guidelines to Reduce Stress in Daily Life of Weekend Meditation Practitioners at Wat Klang Bang Phra, Nakhon Pathom Province. 1) to study the meditation guidelines in Buddhism of the people who practice dharma. 2) to study the principles of Buddhism in reducing stress in the daily life of the people who practice Dharma. 3) to study the meditation guidelines to reduce stress in the daily lives of people who practice dharma on weekends, Wat Klang Bang Phra Nakhon Pathom Province. The conducting documentary research and field research, the interview form was used as a tool for collecting data and presented in an essay form.   The results show that: 1) Morning and evening prayers in translation prayer make the people who come to practice Dharma peace of mind and faith in Buddhism and praise the virtue of the Triple Gem and a clear and profound understanding of the mantras until wisdom in practice the form of practice based on the Mahasatipatthana Sutta is the body, feeling, mind and dharma, following the Anapanasati principle. 2) Stress is caused by suffering is a threat that causes the person who receives suffering, discomfort and frustration. Stress is caused by happiness. The sudden and unexpected thing caused the person receiving it to be thrilled. can cause stress on the body acute stress by Buddhist principles to reduce stress in the daily lives of people who practice Dharma. It is the introduction of the principles of Vipassana practice. A consideration of dharma topics according to Buddhist principles for wisdom. 3) Breathing in and out is the emotion of determination and consideration. and is classified as the first of the four foundations of mindfulness. While, practicing Dharma in Wat Klang Bang Phra, when meditating, I use determination. Look at the inhalation and exhalation that sometimes is long, sometimes short breaths, determined to be conscious in the present moment do not think about the things that cause sadness.

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