Management Strategies of The National Research Universities

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Chonglak Meredith
Duangjai Chanasit
Jittirat Seangloetuthai
Achara Niyamabha


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop the management strategies of the national research universities and 2) certify the management strategies of the national research universities. The study applied a mixed method approach. The research procedure was divided into two phases. Phase 1, developing the management strategies of the national research universities. The sample group used were executives and professors from the 9 national research universities by stratified random sampling. The data was collected through 375 copies of questionnaires. Phase 2, certifying the management strategies of the national research universities. This was achieved by 7 qualified experts derived by purposive selection based on set criteria. The research instrument was a questionnaire and evaluation of the propriety, feasibility, accuracy and utility of the national research university management strategies. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, the Priority Needs Index Modified: PNI (Modified) and content analysis.  The research results were as follows: 1. The management strategies of the national research universities consist of 6 main strategies, 24 sub-strategies and 49 operational methodologies. The 6 main strategies include: 1) Elevating the general management of structure and research policy to achieve higher efficiency at the international level 2) Elevating the management of academic work in production and services to meet international excellence 3) Promoting and supporting the management of research and human resource to achieve a higher efficiency level 4) Adjusting the management of funding to create increased financial stability 5) Promoting and supporting the quality of materials and tools that are used in educational management to achieve a higher efficiency level and 6) Elevating the process of management as to strive in becoming a leading research university. 2. The results of the management strategies of the national research universities certification by experts indicated that the strategies are rated high in propriety, feasibility, and very high accuracy and utility.

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