Guidelines for Enhancing the Happiness According to Buddhist Psychology of the Elderly During the Covid-19 Situation

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Supornkan Thanikkul
Phrakhru Sangkharak Ekkaphat Apichanto
Prasit Kaewsri


Research article on the guidelines for creating happiness for the elderly during the COVID-19 according to Buddhist psychology it is aimed to 1) study the characteristics and components of happiness of the elderly during the COVID-19 crisis, 2) study the guidelines to apply Buddhist Psychology to create happiness in the elderly during the crisis of COVID-19. The research used qualitative research using in-depth interviews. The research selected the key informants specifically. In summary, the key informants consist of two monks, one psychiatrist, one psychologist, and five representatives of the elderly. The qualitative data analysis used content analysis and analytic induction. The results showed that: 1) The characteristics and components of happiness of the elderly during the crisis of COVID-19, the researcher who analyzed the data from the interviews found that the happiness of the elderly during the crisis of COVID-19 characterized by a feeling of comfort and anxiety and having good atmosphere surrounding by family and friends, far from disease and having an opportunity to gain merit upon their belief which can be categorized into four characteristics which are (1) Physical good health means having a state of complete physical health, having a sufficiency of four basic needs, physically strong health, have a simple lifestyle and be able to adapt to the environment and changes, stability, safety, and far away from disease. (2) Happiness means having a complete state of mind in peace and happiness, accepting all changes, having good mental health, and being emotionally stable. (3) Relationship Happiness is to live with others happily (4) Happy with a way of accumulating merit, which means fulfilling life with spiritual growth. For clause number 2 of the study, the guidelines to apply Buddhist Psychology to create happiness in the elderly during the crisis of COVID-19 needs to apply by using the four meditation principles as a guideline; this can create four holistic happiness, namely: 1. care for your health 2. take reasonable care to your heart to be strong 3. maintain the relationship 4. keep gaining merit.

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