The Effect of Using Role-Playing Game Media (RPG) to Improve Academic Achievements in English Subjects for Fourth Grade Students

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supansa sirikhan


This research aimed to 1) compare learning achievements before and after learning from using role-playing game media (RPG) and 2) study the satisfaction of students toward learning by using role-playing game media (RPG). The samples used in this research were 39 students in fourth grade students studying in the second semester of the academic year 2022 at Ong Kharak School, Nakhon Nayok Province. The research tools were 1) the role play-based learning plan to improve English performance 2) Pretest and Post-test and 3) the satisfaction assessment form of the students towards the learning activities using role-playing game media (RPG). The statistics used for data analysis were dependent t-test, mean (M), and standard deviation (S.D.). The results showed that 1) the students who received the learning activities using role-playing game media (RPG) had a statistically significant .05 higher in improving their English learning achievement and had higher scores on the post-test than before the study. Moreover, the students were more satisfied with learning by using role-playing game media (RPG).

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