Tourism Factors Influencing Travel Decisions in Chiang Mai, Thailand of Chinese Tourists After the Covid-19 Situation

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Chaowei Jiang
Anurak Artitkawin


This article aimed: 1) To study the elements of 5A tourism: attractiveness, access Accessibility, facilities, accommodation, activities and the decision of Chinese tourists to visit Chiang Mai. 2) To study some factors of 5A tourism elements affecting Chinese tourists' decision to visit Chiang Mai. This study is exploratory research. The sample of the study is 500 Chinese tourists coming to Chiang Mai. Collect information using online questionnaires. The statistical data used for analyzing data includes descriptive statistical data: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics are Enter method multiple regressions. The study results were found as follows; The study results were found as follows; 1) The importance of the following factors: The impact of the attraction factors on tourism decision-making is relatively small (x̄ = 2.56, S.D. =0.645); The impact of the accessibility factors on tourism decision-making is moderate (x̄ = 2.80, S.D. = 0.748); The impact of the factors of amenity on tourism decision-making is moderate (x̄ = 2.66, S.D. = 0.679); The impact of the factors of accommodation on tourism decision-making is relatively small (x̄ = 2.40, S.D. = 0.843) ; The impact of the factors of activity on tourism decision-making is relatively small (x̄ = 2.52, S.D. = 0.755). The overall decision of Chinese tourists to visit Chiang Mai is relatively low (x̄ = 2.54, S.D. = 0.696) 2) The factors that affect the decision of Chinese tourists to visit Chiang Mai include accessibility, accommodation, and activities. There was a statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

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