Learning Organization of Krathumbaen “Wisetsamutthakun” School

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Nutchawan Nuamtanong
Sakdipan Tonwimonrat


The purpose of this research was to find out; 1) Learnig organization of Krathumbaen “Wisetsamutthakhun” school 2) the developmental guidelines of Learnig organization of Krathumbaen “Wisetsamutthakhun” school.  The simple were 86 personnel. The research tools were an opinionnaire and interview form. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results found: 1. The learning organization of Krathumbaen “Wisetsamutthakhun” in overall and each aspect were at high level. Sorted by arithmetic means, in descending order; knowledge management, organization transformation, learning organization, people empowerment and technology application. 2. There were developmental guidelines of learning organization of Krathumbaen “Wisetsamutthakhun”. 1) School personnel learn from work, and Bring knowledge to exchange together with members in the organization. 2) School director support and give opportunities to personnel in the school exchange knowledge. School director support to personnel in the school self-development always. 3) There is clear communication within the school.  4) There is a decentralization of workload to everyone in the organization.  5)  Information is stored. Systematically.  6)  The use of technology in work is promoted, internal communication and published works. 7) Let the community take part in policy making, School curriculum, and School activities. 8) Apply information, news, processes, and best practices to apply in the operations of the organization.

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