The Buddhist Family Well-Being Development Model Based on The Warm Family Foundation

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Patamol Adireksarn
Phrakrusanggharak Ekkapat Abhichando
Prasit Kaewsri


This research employed the qualitative research methodology. Its objectives were purpose made to study the fundamental components of sympathetic family and Buddhist healthy family and also to examine the development model of the Buddhist health family based on the sympathetic family. In the research, in-depth interview of nine key informants comprising of Buddhist monks, Buddhist psychological and family psychological expertise was made through purposive sampling and then data analysis was done by means of induction respectively. The research results were found that: 1. The Buddhist fundamental components of sympathetic and health family: 1) The fundamental components of a happy family basically refer to the reflection on the active interaction between the members of family done through variety of means which could be typically classified by four dimensions, family participation, intra-family communication, expression of emotion, and family-member adjustment. 2) In the Buddhist health family components, they embrace the dynamic processes of characteristics indicating the competency of family-balance adjustment where four dimensions, physical, social, mental and wisdom, are unavoidably required. 2. The Buddhist development model on the healthy family based on the sympathetic family: 1) In the physical dimension; it consists in the following ones: participative guidelines in the family, bodily working, and physical health. 2) In the social dimension; it means the following ones: communication for interaction, and right understanding of one another. 3) In the mental dimension; it refers to the following ones: mental character, mental ability, and mental health. 4) In the wisdom dimension; it requires these principles: principle for a critical thinking, and wisdom leading to certain solution of problem.

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