Analyzing the Concept of Buddhist Peace in the Way of Life

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Tanadech Samachitto (Sombutma)
Phra Sukheesom Silatechaputtiyo (Jiramahasuwan)


This article has objectives are 1) To study the concept of Buddhism’s peaceful way of life. 2) To study the principles of Buddhism related to Buddhism’s peaceful way of life. 3) To integrate the concept of Buddhist peace in the way of life according to Buddhist principles, and 4) to present guidelines and generate a new knowledge about “Buddhist Peacefulness in the Way of Life” by studying documents and research. The findings found that “Peaceful means are methods that do not use any form of violence is classified into 3 types: Peaceful methods of fighting and demanding, Peaceful methods for resolving conflicts and peaceful ways of living life. For peaceful ways of living are divided into 4 methods: 1) Buddhist peaceful methods in the physical way of life, which is the persistence used of peaceful methods in the lives of individuals, including: middle way, the way of consumption, Supportive living factors, the way to be self-sufficient and secluded way of managing life and the way of restraint in organism 2) Buddhist means in the way of living life in terms of society and environment which is a peaceful way of human life with Society and environment with a peaceful culture 3) Buddhist peacefulness in the mental method which is peace of mind in characteristics of peace in mind and from defilements and 4) Peaceful way in the wisdom which is a process in Buddhist studies of peaceful methods according to the Threefold Principles, Making the way of daily life and be liable for applying peaceful methods, and all 4 peaceful methods mentioned above are all peaceful ways of life.

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