The Evaluation of Leaning Necessities for Technology Teacher Learning Management Were Found to Be Complete and up to The Standard of SMT Under IPST

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Penny paopansuea
Pikul Ekwarangkoon
Warunee Lapanachokdee


The objectives of this research article are to 1) identify and prioritize the learning management needs of teachers with technology, 2) analyze the causes of the learning management needs of teachers with technology, and 3) determine guidelines. Solving the necessary needs in learning management for teachers in technology. of educational institutions participating in the Quality Schools in Science, Mathematics, and Technology (SMT) project according to IPST standards. A sample group in the study of technology teachers in educational institutions participating in the Quality Schools in Science, Mathematics, and Technology (SMT) project in the academic year 2023, number A total of 188 people. The tools used to collect data include: Questionnaire and focus group discussion points Data analysis used frequency analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation, PNI modified value, fishbone chart analysis. The research results found that 1) necessary needs for learning management of technology subject teachers include learning design and preparation Learning plans that promote creative thinking Design learning and create learning plans that promote critical thinking. and designing learning and creating learning management plans that encourage students to apply knowledge in science/mathematics/technology to solve problems. 2) The reasons for the need for learning management for teachers in technology 1) in designing activities that promote learning management skills in creative technology. critical thinking and problem solving, 2) the selection or development of information technology media, and 3) the measurement and evaluation of learning outcomes.

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