A Development of Positive Psychological Capital in Learning Scale for Nursing Students

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Sareeya Chotitham
Usanee Lalitpasan


The purpose of this research article is to develop and validate a positive psychology academic scholarship scale for nursing students. The research sample was 75 nursing students at a nursing college in Bangkok, years 1-4, second semester, academic year 2022. The research instrument was Measurement of Positive Psychology Academic Capital for Nursing Students Data analysis includes Average analysis standard deviation for the analysis to check the quality of the tool, it consisted of content validity analysis with the Oval Index (IOC), discriminant power analysis with t-test and CITC, confidence analysis with Cronbach's alpha coefficient. and analysis of construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results of developing and validating the measure are as follows: Examining the content validity of the indicated behaviors and definitions found that the measure had an index of validity (IOC) greater than 0.50 for every indicated behavior. The results of the discriminant power analysis found that every question could be classified into high-low groups with statistical significance at the .05 level. The results of the confidence analysis using Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient found that there was the reliability value for the whole version is 0.99 and the results of the structural validity examination found that the RMSEA and RMR statistics values are less than 0.05 and the GFI AGFI CFI values are greater than 0.90. The model is consistent with the empirical data (Chi-square = 674.90, df = 343, P-value = 0.00, RMSEA = 0.04).

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