Guidelines for Improving the Efficiency of Academic Administration of Small Schools in Sampran District Nakorn Pathom Province in the Next Normal

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Jiratchaya Narkpitark
Pitchayapa Yuenyaw
Napaporn Yodsin


This research aimed to: 1) study the current condition of academic administration in small schools; and 2) develop the guidelines for enhancing the academic administration efficiency of small schools. The research instruments were a survey form, a structured interview form, and a group conversation record. Data were analyzed by content analysis, data classification, data comparison, and inductive conclusion. The research results were as follows: 1. The current condition of academic administration of small schools has led to the development of a comprehensive operational document in alignment with academic administration guidelines. This document comprises, an academic administration handbook, an annual action plan, an academic performance calendar, an educational development plan, a self-assessment report (SAR), an external quality assessment report, an evidence document of SWOT analysis, minutes of teachers and basic education institution committee meeting, school information, a project evaluation report that includes photographs, videos, and performance reports. Additionally, it encompasses school supervision, control, and follow-up reports. 2. The guidelines for enhancing academic administration efficiency of small schools in the next normal era comprised 4 aspects as follows: 1) curriculum administrations consisting of: 1.1) developing the school curriculum to suit the school contexts and current situations, 1.2) analyzing, improving, and developing school curriculum to suit the school contexts, and 1.3) assessing school curriculum by using technology system; 2) teaching and learning administrations consisting of 2.1) organizing student-centered instruction through active learning methods, 2.2) applying technology to teaching and learning management, 2.3) supporting teachers’ self-development in technology aspect and applying to teaching and learning management, and 2.4) allocating sufficient budgets for teaching and learning management; 3) measurement and evaluation consisting of 3.1) promoting a variety of measurement and evaluation methods with consideration of learners’ context suitable for the situation, and 3.2) promoting more online measurement and evaluation methods; and 4) educational supervision consisting of setting a clear control, supervision, and following-up through an online or other formats suitable for the situation.

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