Development of Competency-Based Teaching Professional Students for the First Year in the Field of Physical Education Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University

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Amnuay Sa-ingthong
Atthakorn Wetchakarn
Thapanop Kerdsawangnetr
Harisanan Chanthong


The objectives of this study were; 1) To study the competency-based of first-year students’ teacher in Physical Education at Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University. 2) To compare the competency test scores of first-year students in Physical Education before and after participating in activities to enhance both core competencies and professional teaching competencies. The sample group used in the research was the first-year students, Bachelor of Physical Education, Academic Year 2022. Number of people 73 and teachers at the school where student’s teacher undergo their professional experience training. Number of people 73.

          The results of the research were as follows: the field of physical education Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University consists of 3 core competencies ranked in descending order from highest to lowest, they were (1) Able to demonstrate basic movements appropriate to the situation 2) Explain principles and theories about basic human movement and 3) Explain principles and theories about physical education, sports, and physical activities and 10 teaching professional competencies ranked in descending order from highest to lowest, they were (1) Help school work without request (2) Work in teams and solve problems in work practice (3) Have the right attitude towards the country and the teaching profession (4) Knowledge of school context and teacher duty (5) Interacting with teachers, parents, community. (6) Patience, diligence relieving problems (7) Able to plan learning activities (10) Applying media to improve learning (5) Use technology for basic education (6) Communicate in languages and when comparing the competency test scores of first-year students before and after participating in competency enhancement activity, it was found that there was a statistically significant overall difference at the .05 level. Furthermore, upon examining individual competencies, it was found that there were statistically significant differences in all aspects at the .05 level.

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