Antecedents and Consequences of Thai Tourist Satisfaction in Khao Pu - Khao Ya National Park, Phatthalung Province

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Wiwat Jankingthong


The purposes of this research was to examine antecedents and consequences of Thai tourist satisfaction of Khao Pu - Khao Ya National Park, Phatthalung Province. The subjects of  the study were 200 Thai tourists who visited Khao Pu - Khao Ya National Park, Phatthalung Province,  using accidental sampling. This study presents a tourist satisfaction model and explores the  antecedents and consequences of tourist satisfaction including corporate social responsibility, destination image, perceived value, tourist complaints and tourist loyalty. Structural equation modeling results supported the tourist satisfaction model of corporate social responsibility, destination image, and perceived value as antecedents of tourist satisfaction, whereas the  consequences of tourist satisfaction included tourist complaints and tourist loyalty.

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Jankingthong, W. (2019). Antecedents and Consequences of Thai Tourist Satisfaction in Khao Pu - Khao Ya National Park, Phatthalung Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 35(2), 59–72. retrieved from
Research Articles


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