Information sharing in sweet corn supply chain, Chiang Mai

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Phattharakorn Mahasorasak
Nirote Sinnarong
Somneuk Sintupuan
Chalinda Ariyadet


Currently, the sweet corn marketing competition has led to an increasing awareness of
supply chain management. Information sharing is one of the many ways which has been interested
by researchers and supply chain members. Because it can increase supply chain efficiency and
reduce costs. Nevertheless, motivating to information sharing is still a challenge. The purpose of
this paper is to examine how trust, commitment, strategic alliance, opportunistic behavior and
power influence on information sharing in sweet corn supply chain. In this study was analyzed
using PLS-SEM. Drawing upon transaction cost theory and social exchange theory. Data were
collected from 300 respondents comprise of growers, coordinators, integrators and producers,
located in Chiang Mai. The results show that all paths have significant positive effects. Strategic
alliance is crucial factor to information sharing that brings supply chain collaboration based on
trust and commitment. Subsequently it improves a competitive advantage and has positive effect
on long-term relationships.

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How to Cite
Mahasorasak, P., Sinnarong, N. ., Sintupuan, S. ., & Ariyadet, C. . (2021). Information sharing in sweet corn supply chain, Chiang Mai. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(2), 87–109. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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