การออกแบบและสร้างภาพเคลื่อนไหวรูปแบบสื่อผสม เพื่อนำเสนอประวัติความเป็นมาของชาวมอญ ในจังหวัดปทุมธานี

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ธนกฤต โพธิ์ขี
ศรีสุภัค เสมอวงษ์


The research – Design and Create a Mixed Media to Present the History of MON in Phatumthani Province is the creating of mixed media by using design procedure to be a tool in presenting the history of MON. The proposes of the research were: 1) to design abd create a mixed media to present the history of MON in Phatumthani province; 2) to examine the satisfaction of a specialist on a mixed media to present the history of MON in Phatumthani Province; and 3) to study a knowledge and understanding of students on a mixed media to present the history of MON in Phatumthani province.

          The representative sample of this research is 43 students, elementary education grade 6 of Watbualuang School, Watchengtha School and Salapun School. The survey was using purposive random sampling.

            The results of the research were as follows: 1) the examine of satisfaction of the specialist on a mixed media to present the history of MON in Phatumthani province is at the maximum level, equals 4.79; and 2) the cognition and satisfaction of the representative sample on a mixed media to present the history of MON in Phatumthani province is at high level, equals 4.09. Which be in line with the hypothesis


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