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กฤษฎา บูรณารมย์
ชัยนะรินทร์ ทับมะเริง
วิกรม วรรณสุทธิ์


The development of Thai fighting cock identification supporting system yield the objectives of developing an effective system for identifying Thai fighting cock using decision support system as a tool for collecting knowledge of Thai fighting cock.In development process, the researcher have studied, analyzed, designed, and created the system, as well as tested, modified, and created a system manual.During preliminary study and analysis, the researcher used a master image file containing 24 images categorized by male and female cock from 12 cocks named in the brochures providing information about characteristics and standards of traditional Thai fighting cock distributed by animal husbandly division, department of livestock development. These images were stored as one file in a computer.  Designing process was involved with creation of processes, structure, database, and user interfaces. The system was created by installing Appserv on Windows XP/7/8 operating system, coding with PHP, system testing using Black Box Testing and modifying the system as well as preparing user manuals for 3 groups of users including 1) general users 2) Thai fighting cock experts and 3) system administrators.The system development has generated a decision support system for Thai fighting cock identification which could be used as a media to study about Thai fighting cock and a new database named “newkaichon.sql” for collecting knowledge about Thai fighting cock. The researcher had conducted the experiment on 100 users by letting them evaluated and tested the system. The results revealed that the system obtained a good level of performance (=4.01+0.07) and the degree of user satisfaction were rated good (=4.03+0.05).The research findings were ascertained that the developed system could be used as a learning source of Thai fighting cock and a tool for supporting the study of Thai fighting cock. Therefore, general users were capable to use the system for identifying Thai fighting cock by input the name in Thai by typing or using menu for knowledge searching by themselves.


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