การพัฒนาแอพพลิเคชันสำหรับการคำนวณพื้นที่ผิวและปริมาตรรูปทรงเรขาคณิต บนระบบปฏิบัติการแอนดรอยด์

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จิรวิญญ์ ดีเจริญชิตพงศ์
เพชราวลัย ถิระวณัฐพงศ์
ปัญจ์ปพัชรภร บุญพร้อม


The area and volume calculation system of geometric shapes on the Android operating system was developed in order to review mathematics lessons, calculate area and volume of geometric shapes, collect formulas in calculating area and volume of geometric shapes, as well as collect information of users. In developing the system, the research used Java language that could run on every platform, SQLite program in database connection, and Android SDK in Android simulation. The system divided users into 3 groups, that is, 1) system developers, 2) users, and 3) system. The system could serve 3 aspects of usage as follows: 1) area and volume calculation of geometric shapes, 2) exercises, and 3) collecting information of users. According to the test on 3 aspects, that is, need in use, system usage, utility and security, the result showed that the overall system was at a satisfying level (= 4.38 , SD = 0.60), which could explain the system responded to the actual usage and conformed to the objectives of system development.


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