การออกแบบและสร้างสื่อมัลติมีเดีย เรื่อง การเขียนสคริปต์ สำหรับนักศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรี

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ประภาพร กลิ่นขจร


The purposes of this research were 1) to design and creating a multimedia of Script Writing for Undergraduate students based on the efficiency 80/80 criteria, 2) to compare the pretest with the posttest scores after studying from a multimedia, and 3) to study the student’s satisfaction toward a multimedia.
Sample was 30 The 3rd year Undergraduate students in 2013 academic year of Technology Multimedia and Animation at North Bangkok University by using cluster random sampling. Research instrument used were 1) multimedia of Script Writing for Undergraduate students, 2) achievement test; and 3) the questionnaire. Statistical used for analyzing the data were mean, standard deviation and t-test.
Research result found that 1) a multimedia of Script Writing for Undergraduate students had the efficiency at 80.60/82.40, 2) the posttest score after studying from multimedia significantly higher than the pretest score at .05 level; and 3) the students’ satisfaction toward multimedia were at the highest level.


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