Virtual Learning Environment via Smart Coworking Space

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Chawin Chukusol
Panita Wannapiroon


This article aims to synthesize principles and concepts relating to the virtual learning environment via smart coworking space. The results indicate that virtual learning environment and the smart coworking space have corresponding components and can be adapted to use mutually. Virtual learning environment in the aspect of communications channel significantly relies on digital resources and communications via internet which is congruent with technologies supporting smart coworking space in the aspect of wireless connection, application software, mobile devices, and digital data. Virtual learning environment in the aspect of lesson content and evaluation is congruent with technologies supporting smart coworking space in the aspect of application software, and digital data. Virtual learning environment in the aspect of communications consisting of feedback, forum, interaction, and social networks is congruent with 4 technologies supporting virtual learning environment in the aspect of wireless connection, application software, mobile devices, and digital data. Virtual learning environment in the aspect of people, learner and instructors must have application software and mobile devices to access smart coworking space.

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How to Cite
Chukusol, C., & Wannapiroon, P. (2021). Virtual Learning Environment via Smart Coworking Space. Journal of Education and Innovative Learning, 1(1), 97–110. Retrieved from
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