Integration of Problem-Based Learning in Teaching for Optimizing Online Learning Efficiency for Veterinary Students

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Manita Wittayarat
Baramee Chanchayanon
Supitcha Kaewma
Chaya Vannakovida
Ladda Eksomtramage
Saritvich Panyaboriban


Recently, the implementation of online learning is a necessity and has been increasingly used for education since the outbreak of COVID-19. However, understanding the lecture through an online platform alone is not sufficient for students' learning outcomes and student satisfaction as compared to learning in class or face-to-face interaction, especially in the veterinary profession. Since online learning has reduced the two-way communication between teachers and students, this study thus hypothesized the possibility of problem-based learning (PBL) tools on the ability to increase learning efficiency as well as to promote achieved expected learning outcomes in the lecture courses of veterinary students. In the present study, fourth-year veterinary students, who enrolled in large ruminant medicine and small ruminant medicine courses in the 2021 academic year, were given online lectures as scheduled in the course specification and then supplemented with PBL activities at the end of the lesson hours for each topic. Each of the students' presentations and participation in the discussions was evaluated to four assessment criteria by teachers using a grading rubric questionnaire. The results revealed that the students had a higher learning achievement average score (gif.latex?\bar{\chi&space;}=8.9) than those (gif.latex?\bar{\chi&space;}=8.4) before PBL was implemented. Moreover, the veterinary students were also positive towards the PBL tool, which can be stated that they achieved expected learning outcomes, were more interested in learning, had communication and presentation skills, and could summarize key concepts in each topic. However, the factors affecting the success of problem-based learning that must be considered were the suitability of time and the number of students per group.

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How to Cite
Wittayarat, M., Chanchayanon, B., Kaewma, S., Vannakovida, C., Eksomtramage, L., & Panyaboriban, S. (2023). Integration of Problem-Based Learning in Teaching for Optimizing Online Learning Efficiency for Veterinary Students. Journal of Education and Innovative Learning, 3(1), 1–14. Retrieved from
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