Bridging Chemistry and Computing Science: Innovative Teaching Tools in Pre-service Teacher Education

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Suthida Chamrat
Surasak Maotheuak
Kittaporn Puakanokhirun
Theenawat Nanta
Nattaya Apichatyotin
Warissara Kraijitmate
Pongsathorn Suyamool


This study investigated integrating computing science into chemistry education for pre-service teachers, focusing on using microcontrollers like Micro:bit and Arduino to develop STEM-based chemistry lessons. It involved eight pre-service teachers selected via purposive and voluntary sampling methods, participating in a longitudinal exploration from 2017 to 2020. Data were collected through various methods on courses in a chemistry education program, encompassing lesson plans, artifacts, videos, and photographs, and they were analyzed through content analysis. The key findings encapsulate the essence and impact of this integration: (1) Micro:bit emerged as the primary microcontroller used by pre-service teachers; (2) Projects often centered around environmental issues; (3) Effective integration of computer programming into chemistry teaching necessitated support from computer specialists or programmers; (4) The creation of microcontroller-based sensors/projects significantly enhanced the incorporation of computing science within science lessons; (5) Initial endeavors in blending computing science into chemistry education led to a rich variety of activity designs and innovations; (6) The development and use of microcontroller-based sensors facilitated the execution of more complex experiments in chemistry education. These findings underscore the potential of an interdisciplinary approach in enriching STEM-oriented chemistry education, highlighting the importance of teacher competence, professional development, and integrative teaching methodologies. This research provides vital insights for future pedagogical strategies and underscores the value of incorporating computing science in science education.

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How to Cite
Chamrat, S., Maotheuak, S., Puakanokhirun, K., Nanta, T., Apichatyotin, N., Kraijitmate, W., & Suyamool, P. (2024). Bridging Chemistry and Computing Science: Innovative Teaching Tools in Pre-service Teacher Education. Journal of Education and Innovative Learning, 4(1), 81–96. Retrieved from
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