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Mayoonkarn Dechkunchorn
Masubon Thongngam


              Adlay or Job’s tears (Coix lachryma-jobi L.) from white (WA) and black (BA) adlay cultivars were used to study the physical, chemical and physicochemical properties of adlay flour (F), starch (S) and protein (P).  Whiteness indexes of adlay flour (WAF, BAF) were lower than adlay starch (WAS, BAS) and protein (WAP, BAP).  In addition, the whiteness index of flour and protein from BA was lower than that of WA.  While morphology of adlay starch, flour and protein from both cultivars was similar; however, the size of protein bodies was slightly different.  Additionally, the molecular weight of protein in WAP and BAP has similar pattern which consisted of the α-, β- and γ-coixin.  In addition, adlay flours (WAF, BAF) composed of carbohydrate (79.74-81.71%), protein (13.28-14.88%) and lipid (3.21-3.53%).  Moreover, the protein content of flour, protein and starch from black adlay cultivar seemed to be higher than that of white adlay cultivar.  Furthermore, the amylose content of BAS (29.22%) was significantly higher than that of WAS (11.55%).  Additionally, the pasting viscosity of adlay starches (WAS, BAS) was higher than adlay flours (WAF, BAF).  In addition, the WAS and WAF had peak viscosity and breakdown value higher than BAS and BAF.  However, the BAS had final viscosity and setback value higher than WAS.  


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Author Biographies

Mayoonkarn Dechkunchorn

Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand    

Masubon Thongngam

Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand    


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