Development of learning activities Practical Skills Electric Motor Control Vocational Certificate Students Electrical
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The objectives of this research were to; 1) Study the guidelines for organizing learning activities emphasize practical skills on electric motor control subject of Vocational Certificate Students in Electrical Power; 2) Learning activity development emphasizes the practical skills on electric motor control subject has the effectiveness to criteria 80/80; 3) compare practical skills and students’ academic achievement both before and after learning. The sample group was 20 students in first-year of Vocational Certificate in Electrical Power. The research instruments were a learning activity plan, an appropriate learning activity plan assessment, practice skills measurement, and an academic achievement test. The statistics were mean,standard deviation, and hypothesis testing using a dependent t-test.
The research revealed that 1) Guidelines for organizing learning activities consisted of 4 steps;
(1) demonstration, (2) pattern-based process, (3) practice, (4) technique method, and (5) associative
knowledge. 2) Learning activities emphasized practical skills have developed which appropriately at a high
level ( = 4.20, S.D. = 0.48) and effectiveness was 82.75/83.50 which there are higher than the
established criteria of 80/80; and 3) Students have significantly higher post-study practical skills and
achievement at the .05 level.
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ข้อกำหนดเบื้องต้นที่ผู้นิพนธ์(ผู้ส่งบทความ) ควรทราบ
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