Effects of the Development of Science Learning Activities Package by Using STEM Education to Enhance the Problem Solving Ability for Grade 6 Students.

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Suthatip Khawtong


The objectives of this research were: to evaluate the efficiency of science learning activities package by using STEM education to enhance the problem solving ability of grade 6 students ; to comparison of problem solving abilities between before and after learn by science learning activities package by using STEM education ; to compare learning achievement of grade 6 students before and after learn and to study students satisfaction on science learning activities package by using STEM education of grade 6 students. The total of students in this research were 31 from 2 different classes grade 6 students of Tessaban 1 (Watsatunsantayaram) school. The sampling group of this study is consisting of 16 grade 6 students, studying in the first semester in academic year 2020 of Tessaban 1 (Watsatunsantayaram) school by cluster random sampling. The research instruments consist of science learning activities package, achievement test, problem solving test and satisfaction questionnaire. The data analysis were to compare learning achievement using t-test dependent sample, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results indicated that: 1) the efficiency of science learning activities package by using STEM education at 77.14/76.72. 2) The problem solving ability for grade 6 students had post higher than pre at the statistical significance .05. 3) The learning achievement of grade 6 students had post higher than pre at the statistical significance .05 and 4) The students satisfaction on science learning activities by using STEM education for grade 6 students were at highest level. (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.50, S.D.= 0.56)

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How to Cite
Khawtong, S. (2021). Effects of the Development of Science Learning Activities Package by Using STEM Education to Enhance the Problem Solving Ability for Grade 6 Students. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 18(1), 133–145. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edu-rmu/article/view/251569
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