The Student Assistant System Operation of Schooling Institutes in Nong Song Hong District under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Janthabpapha Bootdee
Jamnean Phonhan
Theerachai Boonmatham


The purposes of this research were to study of investigate the classified level of the
student assistant system operation of schooling institutes in Nong Song Hong District under
Khon Kaen PrimaryEducational Service Area Office 3. The research procedures composed two steps.
Step 1: to study the students assistant system operation with the sample group consisted
of 25 schooling administrators and 115 primary teachers by stratified random sampling technique.
The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data analysis statistically were percentage, mean,
and standard deviation; Step 2: Presentation on students’developmentally helping and caring
guidelines on the schooling institutes through provide conference which was the five professional
experts and the content analysis data were discussed with the group discussion approach.
The result of this research revealed that the student assistant system operation should be
actualized in 5 sides concerning 1) to get to know/identify each student individually, 2) Screening
students, 3) to promote students, 4) to protect and problems solving of students, and 5) to transfer
of students both inside and outside the system and reports to schooling administrators are resulting
data reports.

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How to Cite
Bootdee, J., Phonhan, J., & Boonmatham, T. (2019). The Student Assistant System Operation of Schooling Institutes in Nong Song Hong District under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 127–136. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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