Analysis of The Role of The Sangha 10th Region in Modern Science Buddhachariya and Dhamma Vinaya
Main Article Content
The purpose of this research was to analysis the role of The Sangha 10th Region in modern
Buddhism, Buddhachariya (Buddha Conduct) and discipline to focusing on the study of the role of
monks and role theory which was a universal principle; social change theory showing the changing
process or social pattern; functional structure theory which is a sociological theory brought to
explain the social relations system; adaptation theory explaining a person’s adaptation system to
interact with a dynamic environment. It also emphasizes Buddhism theory for a society which is the
concept of the social role of modern Buddhism. The interpretation theory is used as a framework
for interpreting the discipline to understand the spirit of the discipline, including the Buddha and
the role of the monks according to the Dhamma Discipline, which is the yardstick for the practice of
monks making it possible to show the role of monks according to the discipline and the era.
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ข้อกำหนดเบื้องต้นที่ผู้นิพนธ์(ผู้ส่งบทความ) ควรทราบ
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