The Strengthen Teacher Competency Program in Classroom Management for School under Secondary Education Service Area Office 20

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Supranee Atthaprajong
Suracha Amornpan


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the current state, the desirable conditions
and the needs about competency indicators of teacher and 2) to develop the program for enhancing
teacher’s classroom management competency for school under Secondary Educational Service
Area Office Area 20. The samples consisted of 354 teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire.
The statistics used for analyzing data were the mean and standard deviation. The research instrument
was an evaluation form.
The results revealed that 1) The needs about competency indicators of teacher’s classroom
management for school under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Area 20, the current
conditions of teacher competency in to study the current state, the desirable conditions and the
needs about competency indicators of teacher’s classroom management for school under Secondary
Educational Service Area Office Area 20 in overall, at a low level. The desirable condition of teacher
competency of teacher’s classroom management for school under Secondary Educational Service
Area Office Area 20 was at the highest level and 2) Program development for enhancing teacher
classroom management competency for school under Secondary Educational Service Area Office
Area 20. The possibility of the program and the documentation for the program showed that it was
appropriate at the level and had the highest level of possibility.

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How to Cite
Atthaprajong, S., & Amornpan, S. (2020). The Strengthen Teacher Competency Program in Classroom Management for School under Secondary Education Service Area Office 20. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 519–527. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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