Strategies for Promoting Participation in The Use of Water during The Dry Season in Irrigation Project Area, Chaiyaphum Province

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Sombat Meelatsanom
Danwichai Sairuksa
Rangson Singhalert


The purposes of this research were: 1. To study the context Problems and needs to promote
participation in water utilization during the dry season Irrigation Project, 2. To create a strategy Strategies
for promoting participation in the use of water during the dry season Irrigation Project Area, 3. Trial
and evaluation of use Strategies for promoting participation in the use of water during the dry season
Irrigation Project Area. Comparison before development and the conditions that occurred after the
The research revealed that 1) results from context studies Problems and needs from a total
of 165 water users groups from the participants of the big meeting, representing 80 people, and
there are 30 people willing and willing to participate in the project. there have jointly drafted
activities from the meeting of the demand survey stage, 2) the results of the evaluation of the
appropriateness of the activity from the problems, needs and readiness to proceed there are 10
appropriate activities which are the result of Phase 2 research and 3) the results showed that after
the experiment better than before the experiment. Results from comparison of individual differences
Differing significantly at the level of .05 after trial participation, management, occupation, water use
in the dry season and better satisfaction which is in accordance with the hypothesis set.

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How to Cite
Meelatsanom, S., Sairuksa, D., & Singhalert, R. (2020). Strategies for Promoting Participation in The Use of Water during The Dry Season in Irrigation Project Area, Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 571–582. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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