The Geotourism Development Strategies for Khon Kean Geopark Towards to UNESCO Global Geopark

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Supamitr Jantakham
Danwichai Sairaksa
Rungsan Singhalert


The purposes of this research were to develop and evaluate geotourism strategies for Khon
Kaen Geopark towards to UNESCO Global Geopark through research operated using mixed methodologies
with qualitative of conducting strategies plan, collected form In-depth interviews, brainstorming and
focus group with Khon Kean Geopark Committee totally were 55 personal through used SWOT analysis
and TOWS matrix and quantitative of the evaluation of suitability and possibility format for the strategies
with 9 experts in field of geoparks and geotourism in national and global level. The data were analyzed
using descriptive statistics was mean and standard deviation.
The research revealed that the strategies-made conducted had a vision was Khon Kaen Geopark
was a tourism park and dinosaur learning center towards Global Geopark consist of 5 missions, 5 objectives,
5 strategic issues, 11 goals, 22 strategies, 34 indicators, and 78 projects. Five strategic issues included
(1) participatory conservation and protection of geological heritage resources, (2) Geopark holistic
management towards global network, (3) upgrading Khon Kaen Geopark to become UNESCO Global
Geopark for dinosaur and local wisdom tourism, (4) promoting education and communication for
geotourism through innovation and (5) sustainable local economy development. And the results of
evaluating the developed strategies for the geotourism development of Khon Kaen Geopark towards
to UNESCO Global Geopark showed that overall suitable ( gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.54, S.D. = .569) of the developed strategies
were at a highest level and feasible implementation ( gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.50, S.D. = .591) of the developed strategies
were at a high level.

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How to Cite
Jantakham, S., Sairaksa, D., & Singhalert, R. (2020). The Geotourism Development Strategies for Khon Kean Geopark Towards to UNESCO Global Geopark. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 599–611. retrieved from
Research Articles


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