The Development of Learning Model to PromoteReading Ability of Student Grade 5

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Tidarat Keaw-on
Bhumbhong Jomhongbhibhat
Maleerat Kajitnatitham


Development of learning model to promote reading ability of student grade 5 (Research and Development. There are research : 1. Synthesize learning management 2. Development learning model. 3. Try to use the learning management. 4. Study the satisfaction of students towards using the learning model to promote. the aroup Were 32 experimental groups and 35 control groups obtained by cluster random sampling with sampling methods Randomize the room level by group random sampling with raffle. The statistics used in the analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.
Result of this reseurch were 1) The synthesis of development of learning model to promote reading Ability of students grade 4-6. The researcher therefore chose to use the CIRC method and the KWL Plus teaching method to develop the learning model to promote reading ability. 2) The development learning model to promote reading Ability of students grade 5 is formed through the evaluation criteria for accuracy and suitability. 3) The results take the form of learning to develop learning model to promote reading abilities of students grade 5 were found. that The average pretest score of the experimental group and the control group the mean score in reading ability is not different. significantly at the level of .05.
4) The results of student satisfaction towards using the learning model to promote reading ability of the students grade 5 showed that were satisfied with using the overall learning model to promote reading ability at a high level (x̄=4.01).

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How to Cite
Keaw-on, T., Jomhongbhibhat, B., & Kajitnatitham, M. (2019). The Development of Learning Model to PromoteReading Ability of Student Grade 5. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 16(2), 229–238. Retrieved from
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