The Development of Learning Activities by Using Inquiry-Based-Learning on Sufficiency Economy with Product Manufacturing and Service for MatthayomSuksa 2 Students
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The development of learning activities by using inquiry-based-learning on Sufficiency Economy with Product Manufacturing and Service for Matthayomsuksa 2 students aims 1) to develop the efficiency of learning activities through Inquiry-Based-Learning with the criteria of 80/80, 2) to compare academic achievement before and after learning, 3) to study characteristic of sufficiency live using inquiry-based-learning, and 4) to investigate satisfaction of Matthayomsuksa 2 students toward inquiry-based-learning. The samples of this research were 13 students in Matthayomsuksa 2 of Sraponthong School. The research instruments were 1) learning management plans 2) achievement test 3) characteristic of sufficiency live test and 4) satisfaction questionnaire. The Statistics for data analysis were percentage, average, standard deviation and t-test Dependent.
The result found that 1) the development of learning activities had efficiency of 90.05/85 and was higher than the criterion of 80/80, 2) the learning achievement after the use of Inquiry-Based-Learning was higher than before learning at significant level of 0.5, 3) the characteristic of students’ sufficiency live was at a high level through practicing, and 4) the students’ satisfaction was at the highest level.
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