Development of an Inquiry-Based Learning Activity Important World Situations In the 21st Century for Mathayomsuksa 5 students

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Manee chansamon
Piyaluk Potiwan


The research objectives were; 1. to develop an inquiry-based learning activities on the significant world events in the 21st century to be effective according to the 80/80 criteria, 2. to compare pre-test and post-test learning outcomes, 3. to compare pre-test and post-test critical thinking skills and 4. to study the satisfaction of students towards the inquiry-based learning management. The sample in this research were  a total of 30 students in Semester 2, 2020, M5/3, Chiang Yuen Phitthayakhom School. The research instruments were 1. The inquiry-based learning activities management plans, 2. The objective test for measuring learning outcomes, 3. The objective test for measuring critical thinking skills4. A questionnaire for assessing the satisfaction. The data analysis statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent samples   t-test. The research results were found that;             

  1. The inquiry-based learning activity plans on the significant world events in the 21st century had effectiveness E1/E2 of 85.40/81.11.

  2. The students who had been learned management with the learning activities had higher levels of post-test learning outcomes than pre-test learning outcomes with statistically significance level of .05.

  3. The students who had been learned with the learning management had higher levels of post-test critical thinking skills than pre-test critical thinking skills with statistically significance level of .05.

  4. The students had overall satisfaction on the learning management at the highest level.

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How to Cite
chansamon, M. ., & Potiwan, P. . (2022). Development of an Inquiry-Based Learning Activity Important World Situations In the 21st Century for Mathayomsuksa 5 students. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 18(3), 57–68. Retrieved from
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