Developing Pre-Service Teachers’ 21st Century Competencies through Transformative Learning
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The objectives of this study were to investigate and compare levels of preservice teachers’ competencies after participating in transformative-based learning activities to the 86% criterion, and to evaluate their levels of transformative learning after the activities. The research participants were 39 freshman preservice teachers majoring English and 32 junior preservice Thai. Research instruments included transformative-based lesson plans, a knowledge-test, an evaluation form of preservice teacher’s skills and characteristics, and a questionnaire on transformative learning. The data was analyzed through percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The findings showed that 1) after participating in the transformative-based activities, the preservice teachers’ competencies were at a very high level. However, their competencies were still lower than the 86% criterion with the .01 significance level. 2) Transformative learning of the freshman preservice teachers was at the highest level. The junior preservice teachers’ transformative learning was at a very high level.
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