The Development of Indicators forTeachers’ Quality of Life in Workplace in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Department in the Northeast .
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The objectives of this study were to 1) develop indicators for teachers’ quality of life in workplace and 2) examine the congruence of the developed structural model indicators with the empirical data. The study was divided into 2 phases. The first phase was the research conceptual framework development. The second phase was the congruence examination of the structural model indicators. The data were collected from totally 500 administrators and teachers in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Department in the Northeast, academic year 2021. The five-level rating scales questionnaire with the item objective congruence Index at 1.00, discrimination power index between 0.24 - 0.71 and reliability indexof 0.92, was employed for data collection. The data were analyzed for confirmatory factor analysis using computer software program.
The findings were as follows; 1) the indicators for teachers’ quality of life in workplace in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Department in the Northeast consisted of 6 elements, 28 indicators. 2) The structure model of teachers’ quality of life in workplace in Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Department in the Northeast showed the congruence with the empirical data, obtained the chi-square value of 136.09, df = 160, p-value = 0.91, RMSEA = 0.00, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.95. All elements in the model could explain variance in the teachers’ quality of life in workplace at the .01 statistically significant level.
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