The Development of Learning Achievement and Critical Thinking Ability in Buddhist Subject under the Topic of Buddhist Holidays and Buddhist Principles of 9th Grade Students by Using Storyline Approach The Development of Learning Achievement and Critical Thinking Ability in Buddhist Subject under the Topic of Buddhist Holidays and Buddhist Principles of 9th Grade Students by Using Storyline Approach

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Saisunee Thepsing
Wanida Pharanut


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the storyline approach in Buddhist subject for ninth grade students, 2) to compare the students’ learning achievement with the criterion of 75%, 3) to investigate the critical thinking ability of ninth grade students after using storyline approach, and 4) to examine the students’ satisfaction towards learning by using storyline approach. Samples, acquired by cluster random sampling, were 38 of ninth grade students in the academic year 1/2021. The study instruments used in the research were
1) 12 lesson plans, 2) a thirty-item learning achievement test, 3) a fifteen-item test based on the critical thinking ability, and 4) a fifteen-item test based on students’ satisfaction. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, One Sample t-test compared to the criterion of 75%. The findings revealed that 1) the development of the storyline approach in Buddhist subject for ninth grade students evaluated by experts was at a high level (4.50). 2) Students’ learning achievement was at 77.89 % and was higher than the criterion of 75% at the 0.05 significant level. 3) Critical thinking ability among the students was respectively divided to the analysis of relation at the average of 4.63, the analysis of importance at the average of 4.47, and the analysis of principles at the average of 4.24. 4) Students’ satisfaction was totally at the highest level (=4.60).

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How to Cite
Thepsing, S. ., & Pharanut, W. . (2022). The Development of Learning Achievement and Critical Thinking Ability in Buddhist Subject under the Topic of Buddhist Holidays and Buddhist Principles of 9th Grade Students by Using Storyline Approach: The Development of Learning Achievement and Critical Thinking Ability in Buddhist Subject under the Topic of Buddhist Holidays and Buddhist Principles of 9th Grade Students by Using Storyline Approach. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(1), 65–74. Retrieved from
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