Administrative Strategies to Promote Entrepreneurial Skills Among Students in the Saint Gabriel's Foundation, Thailand

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Phongtorn Kaewyongphang
Ganratchakan Lertamornsak


The purposes of the research were to 1) analyze the administrative conditions to promote entrepreneurial skills among students and 2) formulate administrative strategies to promote entrepreneurial skills among students in the Saint Gabriel's Foundation, Thailand. The research was divided into 2 steps - Step 1: The data was collected from 390 the administrators and teachers under 13 the Saint Gabriel’s Foundation of Thailand. The research instruments were the questionnaires. The reliability of research instrument was at 0.984 in current condition and 0.987 in desirable condition. The data were analyzed using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Step 2: the formulation of administrative strategies to promote entrepreneurial skills among students in the Saint Gabriel's Foundation, Thailand.

            The research results found that the overview of current condition of internal environment was in medium average and the overview of desirable condition of internal environment was in high average. The overview of current condition of external environment was in high average and the overview of desirable condition of external environment was in the highest average. The strategies comprise 3 master strategies, 8 minor strategies, 30 measures, and 17 indicators. The master strategies are Strategy 1: The enhancement of learning management quality leading to the development of students’ entrepreneurial skills, Strategy 2: The promotion and development of students’ entrepreneurial skills to build up a business and Strategy 3: Building collaborative networks to develop entrepreneurial skills. The assessment results of administrative strategies found that the strategies are able to be led to practice forwards.


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How to Cite
Kaewyongphang, P., & Lertamornsak, G. . (2022). Administrative Strategies to Promote Entrepreneurial Skills Among Students in the Saint Gabriel’s Foundation, Thailand. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(1), 141–152. retrieved from
Research Articles


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