Guidelines for Academic Administration of Private Schools Effectiveness under Khon Kaen Provincial Education Office
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The research aimed to (1) to study the current condition Desirable Conditions of Academic Administration of Private Schools Under the Office of Education, Khon Kaen Province (2) To study the guidelines for academic administration of private schools under the Office of Education, Khon Kaen Province. The research and development (R&D) model is divided into 2 phases. and desirable conditions for academic administration of private schools The sample group consisted of 341 administrators and teachers, obtained by group randomization. taken to find the necessary demand index (PNImodified) Phase 2 study the guidelines for academic administration of private schools under the Office of Education, Khon Kaen Province. Interview schools with best practices to guide private school management. The research tool was a questionnaire to study the current condition. and desirable conditions Appropriate form and feasibility of draft guidelines for academic administration of private schools The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation.
The results of the research found that (1) the state of academic administration of private schools under the Office of Education, Khon Kaen Province at a high level and the required demand index value (PNImodified) was 0.74, in the following order: 1) measurement and evaluation 2) internal supervision 3) curriculum development and 4) learning management development (2) academic administration guidelines of private schools. under the Office of Education, Khon Kaen Province is appropriate and feasible the most level
KEYWORDS: Guidelines for Academic Administration / Private Schools
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ข้อกำหนดเบื้องต้นที่ผู้นิพนธ์(ผู้ส่งบทความ) ควรทราบ
1. ผู้นิพนธ์ที่ประสงค์จะลงตีพิมพ์บทความกับวารสาร ตั้งแต่เดือนมกราคม 2563 เป็นต้นไป ให้ใช้รูปแบบใหม่ (Template 2563) โดยสามารถดูตัวอย่างได้ที่เมนู GUIDELINES
2. จะตีพิมพ์และเผยแพร่ได้ ต้องผ่านการประเมินจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (Peer Review)
3. การประเมินบทความโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (Peer Review) เป็นแบบ Double Blind
4. การอ้างอิงบทความใช้หลักเกณฑ์ APA (American Psychological Association) คลิก
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