The development of Achievement Motivation with Cooperative Learning by Using Social-Media Supporting Group Investigation for Mattayomsuksa 4 Students, Phadungnaree School

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Sarun A-wiruthpaiboon
Prawit Simmatun
Khajonpong RuamKaew


The objectives of this research were to (1) study to develop of achievement motivation through cooperative learning activity on group investigation method by using social-media for Mattayomsuksa 4 students, Phadungnaree School and (2) study the students’ satisfaction with cooperative learning model. The sample consisted of 44 Mattayomsuksa 4/2 students, Phadungnaree School. The research instruments were 2 lesson plans, a journal writing, an achievement motivation form, and a satisfaction form. The statistics used mean and standard deviation.

            The findings were as follows: (1) the cooperative learning model improved the students’ practical experiences and their self-confident. It also motivated students to pay more attention in their learning activities. These increased the students’ achievement motivation level in each practical period (2) the students’ satisfaction toward the learning model was at the highest level based on the criteria.

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How to Cite
A-wiruthpaiboon, S. ., Simmatun, P., & RuamKaew, K. (2022). The development of Achievement Motivation with Cooperative Learning by Using Social-Media Supporting Group Investigation for Mattayomsuksa 4 Students, Phadungnaree School. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(2), 77–86. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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