A Study of the School Administrators Strategic Leadership which effected the Learning Organization of Schools under the Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Chaiyon Nonthama
Parisha Marie Cain
Supot Duangnet


The purpose of this research was to 1) study the school administrators’ strategic leadership                     2) study the learning organization of schools, 3) study The school administrators’ strategic leadership which related a the school learning organization, and 4) study of the school administrators strategic leadership which affected the learning organization of schools under the Kalasin secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample consisted of 7 school administrators and 331 teachers. The research instruments used a questionnaire. The research results showed as follows: 1) The overall and individual aspects for school administrators’ strategic leadership were at a high level. 2)The overall and individual aspect for school learning organization was at a high level. 3) The school administrators’ strategic leadership in all aspects was a positive relationship at a high level with being a learning organization of schools. The aspect with the highest correlation was corporate culture promotion (X3). 4) The creation of the forecasting equation for being a learning organization, it was found that the predictive variables were; ability of using aspects for strategies planing (X4), organizational directions and vision (X1), strategies implementation (X2), and corporate culture promotion (X3). respectively. These predictors could mutually explain the variance of the learning organization of schools in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin for 78.2 percent

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How to Cite
Nonthama, C., Marie Cain , P., & Duangnet, S. . (2022). A Study of the School Administrators Strategic Leadership which effected the Learning Organization of Schools under the Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(2), 237–248. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edu-rmu/article/view/258632
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