The Development Guidelines for Achievement Motivation Competencies of School Administrators Under Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Gosol Seesang
Chayakan Ruangsuwan


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the current condition, desirable condition and the principal needs of the achievement motivation competencies of school administrators. and 2) to study the development guidelines for achievement motivation competencies of school administrators. The study was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1: studied the current condition, desirable condition and the principal needs of the achievement motivation competencies of school administrators by stratified random sampling method from the 333 school administrators and teachers as the group of samples. The research tool was a questionnaire, the consensus index was 0.80–1.00, a power of classification the current condition was between 0.41-0.82, the desirable condition was between 0.54-0.93, a confidence the current condition was 0.94, the desirable condition was 0.97. Phase 2: studied the development guidelines for achievement motivation competencies of school administrators from experts with the interview and the assessment form.
The results of this study revealed that, 1) The current condition of achievement motivation competencies’ development guidelines in overall and each aspect was at the high level in descending order. The desirable condition of the achievement motivation competencies’ development guidelines in overall and each aspect was at the highest level in descending order. The principal needs for the achievement motivation competencies’ development guidelines are in terms of the creative intelligence in using innovation. 2) The result of manual evaluation on the development guidelines for achievement motivation competencies, the creative intelligence in using innovation, the continuous determination and development, the quality of work in accuracy and completement, was at the highest level in a suitability and the possibility. 

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How to Cite
Seesang, G., & Ruangsuwan, C. (2023). The Development Guidelines for Achievement Motivation Competencies of School Administrators Under Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(2), 48–59. retrieved from
Research Articles


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