Guideline of Content Study on Journey Literature

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Suthas Vongkrabakthaworn
Saowakon Sukrak


The objective of this academic article is to present guideline of content study on journey literature. The journey literature is classified as a valued poem in terms of wisdom and emotion. That is, the reader will receive both insightful pleasure and at the same time knowledge about places, social communities and lives of people which are conveyed through the opinions of the poet. By principle, the content of journey literature is divided into 4 domains; love concern which is mourning about loving things which had lost or departed; knowing the place which is concerning knowledge giving of the  visited places; way of living which is conveying lives of people in different perspectives; thought and events which  is concerning the opinions of the poet  on events perceived . However, the content of some journey literature may be outstanding in all the four domains or some journal literature may aim to convey one of these domains, depending on the motivation and purpose of the poet’s presentation.


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How to Cite
Vongkrabakthaworn, S., & Sukrak, S. (2022). Guideline of Content Study on Journey Literature. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 13–24. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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