A Study of School Administrators Leadership in the Digital Age Affecting the Academic Administration Effectiveness in the Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools under Mukdahan Primary Educational Service Area Office
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This research purposes were to 1) study school administrators’ leadership in the digital age and the effectiveness of academic administration, 2) study academic administration in the schools, 3) study the relationship between school administrators’ leadership and the effectiveness of academic administration in those schools, and 4) study the guidelines for development of school administrators’ leadership. The research devided into 2 steps, step 1 the sample consisted of 274 school administrators and teachers. Step 2, the informant group consisted of 7 experts which using purposive sampling method. The first step research tool used a five- level rating scale questionnaire, the second step used the Semi-structured Interview. The discrimination of the school administrators’ leadership questionnaires index was between 0.557-0.886 and its reliability was at 0.978. The discrimination of academic administration questionnaires was between 0.549-0.891. The reliability was at 0.98 and the Index of item objective congruence: IOC was between .80-1.00. The research statistics used percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis and the qualitative data analysis was content analysis.
The results of the research showed that: 1) The school administrators’ leadership were at the high level. 2) The Effectiveness of Academic Administration in those schools were at the high level. 3) The school administrators’ leadership and the Effectiveness of Academic Administration in the school were high positively related at .01 level of significance. 4) There were 4 aspects of the school administrators’ leadership guidelines for development; Professional Development aspec; the communication technology and computer technology vision for educational institutions should be promoted continuously. Technology using asmosphere and culture aspect; the dynamic digital learning preservation should be promoted such as the learners accessed the knowledge everywhere. According to the school administrators’digital literacy aspect; the information should be published to the stakeholders comfortably. Acording to the teachers’ innovation skills improvement; the teachers and staffs’ ICT competency for learning innovations production and adaptation should be promoted.
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ข้อกำหนดเบื้องต้นที่ผู้นิพนธ์(ผู้ส่งบทความ) ควรทราบ
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