Study on the Development Guidelines for Public Relations Operations of Schools in the Digital Era under the Office of Udonthani Primary Education Service Area 1
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This research aimed to 1) Examine the current issues in public relations operations of schools in the digital era, under the Office of Udonthani Primary Education Service Area 1 and 2) Explore development guidelines for public relations operations of these schools in the digital era. The sample of this study included 328 school administrators and teachers from non-proportional stratified random sampling method and 7 key informants from purposive sampling. The research tools consisted of a current issues questionnaire with discrimination power ranging from 0.30 to 0.97 and reliability of 0.97, and a semi-structured interview form for exploring the development guidelines in public relations operations of schools in the digital era. Data analysis was conducted using mean, standard deviation and percentage.
The findings indicated that: 1) The overall current issues in the public relations operations of schools in the digital era, under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Udonthani District 1 was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects had an average score at high level, as follows: communication operations, school public relations planning, data collection, and monitoring and evaluation and 2) The guidelines for public relations operations of schools in the digital era, under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Udonthani District 1 included a total of 28 guidelines.
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