Development of Interpersonal Skills for Educational Graduate Students in Biology Program Through Resilience Theory and Emotional Intelligence

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Supawadee Kanjanakate


This research study purpose was to compare the interpersonal skills of undergraduate students between before and after learning management based on resilience theory and emotional intelligence. This research methodology was processed on Quasi-Experimental designs. The samples group was 26 undergraduate students of biology education program, in the academic year 2024 from cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of (1) the 8 instructional plans of learning management based on resilience theory and emotional intelligence, assigned learning time for 3 hours per plan and total of period time was 24 hours. Each plan provided learning activities in 5 steps, these were: (1.1) Engagement and reviewing of prior knowledge, (1.2) Learning new knowledge and conclude with key concept, (1.3) Summarizing concept and exchanging knowledge, (1.4) Applying of valuable knowledge with rationale, and (1.5) Evaluation of learning outcome and interpersonal skills and (2) The student’s interpersonal skills assessment form for five component with 20 items. This research result were analyzed through average score, standard deviation, and test the research hypothesis with t-test for dependent samples.

The research result revealed that the students in the learning management based on resilience theory and emotional intelligence showed higher of interpersonal skills after the learning than before the learning at the .05 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Kanjanakate, S. (2024). Development of Interpersonal Skills for Educational Graduate Students in Biology Program Through Resilience Theory and Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 21(3), 92–102. Retrieved from
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