
  • Thanachat Chotthananan College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
  • Grichawat Lowatcharin


local economy, economic development, local administrative organizations, local government


          Local economic development is crucial for sustainable growth of the national economy. The current study aimed to explore the potential of local administrative organizations (LAOs) in Udon Thani Province for local economic development. The researcher employed a multiple case study designed to examine four LAOs in the province, i.e. Udon Thani Municipality, Non Sung-Nam Kham Municipality, Ban Dung Municipality, and Nong Samrong Municipality. Key informants were mayors, permanent secretaries, community development officers, and plan and policy analysts. The research instruments were interview forms with semi-structured questions and collected data were analyzed and evaluated in comparison with the theory and compared with relevant research without prejudice.

          Findings were found that:   
          that the four municipalities have the potential for local economic development in terms of mayoral leadership and vision, policy formulation, and facilities. Nevertheless, the municipalities are confronting some other challenges. The administrative aspects of local administrators finding the municipalities focus on advising the public. Organizational structure and procedure are confronting some Regarding organizational structure and operation, the municipalities lack autonomy for local economic development and have legal limitations that hinder meaningful policy formulation and implementation. Regarding financial and fiscal aspects, while the municipalities have been allocated some intergovernmental transfers for infrastructure investment, they can generate more revenues as far as the law permits. Regarding local personnel, the municipalities have some capable officers but do not have any positions directly responsible for the local economy. The government, therefore, should transfer local economic development autonomy for the LAOs so they can initiate and implement tangible policies and projects responsive to local preferences.


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How to Cite

Chotthananan, T. ., & Lowatcharin, G. . (2019). POTENTIALITY OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONS IN UDON THANI PROVINCE FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 5(2), 112–128. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/242038



Research Article