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Lakkhana Thiracharoentada
Pennee Narot


          The objectives of this research were to study Implemention of a Comprehensive Teacher Development (Coupon for Teacher) Project, study the outcome of the students from Implementing of a Comprehensive Teacher Development Project (Coupon for Teacher) project, and prepare proposed policy for development of teachers and educational personnel. Target group of this research included officers or staff in Khon Kaen Provincial Education Office, director of Educational Service Area Office, directors and teachers of the schools under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 1-5 and Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Research tool used was structured-interview.

          It was found that:

          Khon Kaen Provincial Office had organized two courses under the Comprehensive Teacher Development project: “Read and write 3 months course using the innovative teaching methodology from BBL theory together with DLTV” and “Course of learning management integration for Thailand 4.0 .” Based on the implementation of the Comprehensive Teacher Development (Coupon for Teacher) project which aimed to enhance teachers’ knowledge and experiences, it was revealed that the teacher have implemented the knowledge – gained to their teaching. The evidences were shown on results of O-NET of grade 6, 9 and 12. The three years test scores (2017 - 2019) showed the improvement in every subject. For example in Thai language grade 6 performed 6% higher, grade 12 showed 6% higher in mathematics than the previous years. It can be pointed out that even the Comprehensive Teacher Development Project may not be the only approach for the improvement of O-NET scores, due to various conditions the students encountered, such as students’ ability. However, the Comprehensive Teacher Development may have some contributions to the students’ development.

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How to Cite
Thiracharoentada, L. ., & Narot, P. . (2019). IMPLEMENTING A COMPREHENSIVE TEACHER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (COUPON FOR TEACHER) . Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 5(2), 323–334. Retrieved from
Research Article


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