Buddhism and Science : Some Reflections


  • Chuan Sheng


Buddhism, Science, Some Reflections


        The encounters between Buddhism and science have come a long way since the times of Taixu, encompassing what Taixu perceived to be physical sciences based on the six senses and the scientific study of thought processes. Whether they can develop into the more profound science of direct intuitive acquaintance or enlightenment, or demonstrate that the six pãramitãs are in accordance with scientific research, are interesting issues that can be further pursued. This essay has started with a brief historical account from the Scientific Revolution to the “Mindful Revolution,” followed by an overview of how the encounters have been interpreted and categorized. It has also highlighted recent scientific advances that have a bearing on Buddhism in the fields of the biological and physical sciences, and neuroscience and psychotherapy, as well as the many positive ways in which the studies of Buddhism and science have interacted and can proceed. We can certainly look forward to such encouraging trends, to learning from such fascinating encounters of Buddhism and science.


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How to Cite

Sheng, . C. . (2017). Buddhism and Science : Some Reflections. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 3(2), 19–31. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/243040



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