The Elderly Social Welfare Participation in Ban Donyang, Sila Sub-district, Muang KhonKaen District, KhonKaen Province.


  • sitthiporn khetjoi Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isan Campus
  • Worachat T hasa Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isan Campus
  • Kittiyanon Wannawong Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Capmpus
  • Chatchawan Jankhoon Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Capmpus
  • Sudathip khetjoi Sisaket Rajabhat University


Elders, Participation, Social Welfare.


           This survey research has the objectives to study 1) the personal factors of the elders in Ban Donyang, Sila sub-district, Muang district, Khonkaen province, 2) the participation of the elders to create proper elderly social welfare, and 3) the suggestions to develop elderly social welfare in Ban Donyang, Sila sub-district, Muang district, KhonKaen province. The researchers collected the data from 226 elderly sampling respondents and analyzed the data by percentage, mean, and standard deviation statistics.

           The results were as follows:

            The respondents, 58 percent, were female, and 42 percent were male. Most of the respondents, 59.29 percent, were age between 60- 69 years old, and they are agrarian, 30.97 percent. The respondents earned lower than 3,000-6,000 bath/ month, and they were married, 46.90 percent. The overall 7 aspects of social welfares: education, health care, residence, occupation and income, social security, social services, and recreation, participation of the elders in social welfare creation was at medium mean level.  The elderly social welfare development has continuously developed and related with all parts in the society, government, private, and local organizations to support  numbers of elder that  has increased. The government should work in proactive methods, for example, the government should motivate and convey to the people that the elders are the valuable person in the society. The transformation of elderly social welfare to the local organizations is one of the ways to arrange proper social welfare for the elders because the local organizations understand and know about the characteristic of elders in their regions.


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How to Cite

khetjoi, sitthiporn, hasa, W. T., Wannawong, K. ., Jankhoon, C. ., & khetjoi, S. . (2020). The Elderly Social Welfare Participation in Ban Donyang, Sila Sub-district, Muang KhonKaen District, KhonKaen Province. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 6(2), 1–14. Retrieved from



Research Article