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Phoulamphone Sihavong
Chaiya Pawabutra
ละม้าย กิตติพร


     The purposes of this research were to formulate efficient operational strategies for the Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union (LPRYU), and to validate the operational efficiencies of the LPRYU, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). The research process addressed in phases as follows:Phase I: Exploring fundamental datato draft strategies. The efficiency of the developed strategies in terms of suitability, feasibility, usefulness, and accuracy was obtained from in-depth interviews with the target group,including 12 administrators of the LPRYU. Afterwards, a set ofquestionnaires developed by the researcher was administered with ten experts. Then the public hearing was conducted among 60 stakeholders, selected through purposive sampling. Statistics for data analysis were frequency, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The findings were as follows:

     1.The components of strategies consisted of vision, mission, goals, and strategies comprising seven aspects: 1) training, 2) establishment and building strength, 3) protection of rights and benefits, 4) infrastructure, 5) participation in patriotism process and development, 6) professional promotion and development, and 7) international cooperation, indicators, and success measures.

     2.The efficient operational strategies of the LPRYU were completed through SWOT Analysis consisting of vision, mission, goals, and strategiescomprising seven aspects: Strategy 1-training with 15 projects, Strategy 2-establishment and building strength with 15 projects, Strategy 3-protection of rights and benefits with 11 projects, Strategy 4- infrastructure with 12 projects, Strategy 5-participation in patriotism process and development with 13 projects, Strategy 6-professional promotion and development with 18 projects, and Strategy 7- international cooperation with 10 projects, indicators,and success measures for 1- year, 2-3 year, and 4-5 year periods.

     3.The result from in-depth interviews and public hearings on efficientoperational strategies of the LPRYUshowed the highest level in all aspects in terms of suitability, feasibility, usefulness, and accuracy.

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How to Cite
Sihavong, P. ., Pawabutra, C. ., & กิตติพร ล. . (2020). STRATEGIES FOR OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY OF THE LAO PEOPLE’S REVOLUTIONARY YOUTH UNION IN SAVANNAKHET PROVINCE LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (Online), 6(2), 162–173. Retrieved from
Research Article


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